Product description,always offers high quality products for customers.,We have developed innovative techniques to bring premium and elegant shot glasses to our customers.,Elegant Look !,’s 12-pack design of heavy-bottomed glass can add sophistication to your shot glass collection which is a bar essential.This elegant wine glasses will give your guests a deep impression. Just Imagine that when you use these shot glasses to offer your guests their favorite wines, you can offer them the different fun feelings! These small glasses are a great gift for your drinking buddies.,Uncompromising Quality!,Made of high quality lead-free glass, it is sturdy, durable and dishwasher safe. After using, simply wash the ‘s glasses with a little wash-up liquid and warm water, or put them in the dishwasher. Shot glasses are well-made and sturdy making it ideal for continuous use.Because of it’s durable nature, it won’t be broken like other glasses. Size approx. 2inch in width, 2.75inch in depth and 3.5 inch in height.,Pack of 12,combines the latest design and style trends of top materials in shooting glasses. These shot glasses are fine European designs style , with a pack of 12 and available in a pack of 12 saving your money.,2 Ounce Glass,’s shooting glasses are a great way to have fun for any shooter! Everyone shoots from a standard ordinary glass. Why not mix them together and make things more interesting? ‘s 2-ounce base shot glass set adds some glamour to your next family reunion, which is the perfect shot of your favorite drinking, not too fragile or too heavy.
Heavy Base Shot Glasses,YULEER 2oz Clear Shot Glass Set,12 pack Shooter Glass For Spirits & Liquors
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Category: Glassware